
BlackBerry 10: leaks show two new devices

A video promoting BB10 seems to reveal two new phones, RIM's marketing plans and the possibility of support for computers and TV

Two new BlackBerry phones have been leaked 10 site Vimeo, in the form of a promotional video. The video was shown internally at RIM to introduce products to employees

The first device has a physical keyboard and is very much in the style of the BlackBerry Bold, although we imagine it will also have a touch screen to manage the more advanced features of BB10

The other device is fully touch, and seems quite consistent with leaked pictures we saw earlier.

In terms of features and functionality, the video does not tell us much - at least nothing that we have not already seen on RIM's official videos.

Satellite navigation looks really impressive, as is the integration of social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube). You also have the possibility of photo and video editing very advanced, a great multi-tasking performance and predictive text for your message

Overall, we have a good feeling about upcoming BlackBerry 10, and we hope that the interface will operate smoothly and intuitively

The video also reveals some marketing materials, and it seems that RIM follow the example of Apple using celebrities: Lady Gaga, JK Rowling, etc. Ridley Scott

At the end of the video, you can also see the BB10 software on multiple devices: laptops, hybrid products, tablets, phones and TV.

The video has now been removed from Vimeo. It seems yet available on Slashgear however. Attention, it is of course quite possible that this video is fake

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