
Android surpass Windows in 2016

Google's Android platform will be used on a greater number of computing devices that Windows in 2016, according to Gartner

Android, Google's OS is used on millions of smartphones and tablets in the world. But in 2016, it will be even bigger than Windows, the Microsoft platform, according to a new study by Gartner.

At the end of 2016, according to the report, there will be 2.3 billion computers, tablets and smartphones using Android software, then there will be "only" 2.28 billion Windows devices.

Launched in 2008, Google's Android software has increased exponentially in recent years. It is now the world's number one mobile operating systems and analysts expect to soon overtake Apple's iOS in the tablet market.

Microsoft Windows is supposed to equip 90% of PCs in the world, the company has dominated the market for decades, despite the rapid growth of the software OS X competitor to Apple and equipment in the form of PC and iMac MacBook.

Over the last four years, the company has consistently lost market share which was the result of its lack of adaptability. And according to Gartner, Android will overtake before the end of 2016.

Global shipments of personal computers declined by more than 8% in the third quarter, the largest decline since 2001, reports Reuters. More and more consumers are moving towards tablets and smartphones.

Platform Microsoft Windows Phone currently holds about 3% of the smartphone space and Windows RT, the new platform the company is expected to control about 5% of shelf space before the end of 2013 .

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